Open up to the world of storytelling
The Dream Big workshop provides opportunities for creatives to stay fit and sharp ready for their next role. A safe place to fail, a safe place to build and a safe place to express yourself. Work alongside our professional team as they guide you through all things in front of and behind the camera, on stage or what it means to be a creative.
A tailored workshop or presentation
Are you running a programme, have a class or community group of creatives? Do they need a tailored workshop with industry professionals to challenge their process? We work with directors, school groups or community groups and provide relevant workshops with up to date practice. Give us a ring today for a chat.
sCene - Screen Acting Workshops
Work with like-minded actors wanting to take that next step. You will be partnered up with a fellow actor and a script either written or found for you by the Dream Big team. All sCenes will be professionally filmed, edited and graded for actors to use on their showreels.
Post - Explore the world of editing, grading and effects
Work alongside our team and edit together sCene work and build your skills in all things post. We will work alongside you and provide you with resources to ensure you feel like you have edited, graded and created your own piece of magic.
Camera and Lighting workshop
Build your knowledge of how to operate the camera, use grip equipment for best effect and what to consider when lighting a scene. What lens works best? What camera settings give best effect? How do I capture the vision the director is asking for? Work alongside experienced professionals as they foster you through filming your own scene.